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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and LinguisticsPart of Humanities

Academic Centre for International Students English for Academic Purposes support

The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes during the academic year: Academic writing skills; Grammar in writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; Critical thinking skills; Speaking skills, Everyday English skills and Communication for intercultural group work.

University of Southampton international students
International students


Online registration for new EAP language skills support classes will open in teaching week 2 of each semester and support sessions will begin in teaching week 3. A downloadable class timetable is available near the bottom of the webpage.

Entry requirements:

Assumes IELTS 6.0

Contact details:

General information:

Specific information:

How to enrol online:

You can now use the University of Southampton Online Store Short Course web link button to register for English for Academic Purpose Support classes. EAP support skills sessions will appear for online enrolment in teaching week 2.

You will need your student information to register for a session. Please consult the timetable for your academic content course before you choose a skills session. You can attend a maximum of 2 skills sessions each semester, please do not register for more! If you are unable to register, the course is full and you will be placed on a waiting list.

News and information updates:

New EAP language skills support classes will be offered during the academic year 2023/24. Please continue to check this website for information updates and to download the new semester EAP Language Skills Support timetable.

Click here to enrol on the EAP Short Course

 Useful downloads

EAP Support Timetable

 Other language support resources offered by the University:

International students group study
International students studying
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