Professor Leon Chua will be a Diamond Jubilee International Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton from 2014 to 2017.
Visiting Fellow and Host
Fellow: Professor Leon Chua, Emeritus Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley
Host: Dr Themis Prodromakis, Electronics and Computer Science
Aims of the collaboration
To develop expertise in circuit design with non-linear cells, particularly on memristive devices and the CNN paradigm, particularly:
- developing and testing devices for evaluating analytical models
- establishing instrumentation techniques for evaluating and altering the memory state of devices
- developing irregular memristic networks.
Fellowship activities in 2014
- Ongoing research collaboration
- Student supervision
- Collaborative workshop at the University of Southampton with FP7 project partners
- Successful EU COST Action joint funding proposal for coordinating research in Memristors within Europe
- Keynote lecture and participation in expert panel forum at the EIEE CAS-FEST conference, Melbourne
Fellowship activities in 2015
- Participation in workshop at NUDT Changsha, China
- First meeting of COST Action project members in Lisbon with other EU based research groups
- Development of a joint funding proposal with another UK institution.