Getting started
Read our guidance on how to get started in Pure
The University is at the forefront of promoting openness in research and with Pure, a leading research information system, we are realising an exciting development in the dissemination of our research activity.
Pure informs strategic decision-making and supports the management of the University’s research performance. It also enables the expertise of researchers and departments to be more easily discovered, promoting our specialisms and increasing opportunities for collaboration.
Read our guidance on how to get started in Pure
See the answers to our frequently asked questions
Discover how to get support when using Pure
Researchers must use Pure to deposit their research outputs for open access on the web, the outputs are then made publicly available on ePrints Soton, the University's Institutional Research Repository. Pure was also used for the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) and helps us make preparations for future research assessment programs. In addition, researchers can use Pure to:
Pure can create customised CVs from the stored information and, in future, will be used to update the web profiles of researchers, departments and projects on the University website.
For information and guidance on using Pure, please see the Pure Support link above or visit our Pure SharePoint site.