Media highlights - 15 to 21 June
Professor Ivan Haigh and Dr Paula Camus conducted a detailed analysis of storm surges in the UK to help predict future coastal flooding. The research was reported in the Independent, MailOnline, Evening Standard, Southern Daily Echo, Hampshire Chronicle, Isle of Wight County Press and all UK local newspapers. It was also covered on Heart Radio.
Research by Dr Davide Filingeri which found women with larger busts sweat less featured in the MailOnline, the Southern Daily Echo and other outlets.
Professor Susan Gourvenec told that cargo which liquidises when it is transported by sea will generally cause the ship to sink and lead to fatalities among the crew.
The Daily Mail reported on a 2019 Southampton study which found that babies given immunotherapy for dust mite allergy were 80 percent less likely to develop knock-on conditions at age six, such as asthma.
The Southern Daily Echo used our press release about noughties singer Daniel Bedingfield – who called on fellow artists to embrace artificial intelligence.
Professor Tony Kendrick was quoted in a Daily Mail article about withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants.
A real-time hormone monitor developed by a University of Southampton spinout company featured in Forbes.
A report co-authored by Dr Joe Atkinson on the rise of management by algorithm was covered by The Morning Star.
The Conversation
How Vladimir Putin projects his image as a modern-day Peter the Great by Dr George Gilbert.